Customer Testimonials
Thank you for arranging this marvellous photo and thank you Chas for doing such an amazing job.
I’m sure his great, great granddaughter will be thrilled. The RNLI are very proud of their history and heritage so, when the opportunity arises to step back in time, especially when there is a direct connection with our lifeboat crew at Teignmouth, it makes it even more special. So thank you.
Best regards 
Thank you, I'm posting the prints to my Aunt tomorrow. You have a great shop.
All the best,
Thank you so much for the photos which arrived this afternoon. I’m absolutely thrilled with them. It was so kind of you to do them. They are brilliant.
Thanks also for the lead, stick and returning the slides.
Much appreciated.
All the best to you and your lovely wife
Many thanks to you Chas, that's lovely.
Print arrived, excellent and just what I wanted so many thanks.
I have a few more to send down so perhaps you could do them all much the same.
Best wishes

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